Collection Excluding Holiday Event
Sale Sale Flora Shoulder Bag$119.00$41.65 /Denim BlueTaupeBlackBlushBrownCognac BrownMidnight BlueMerlot+5Available in 9 colorsSale Kelisse Crossbody Bag$79.00$27.65 /BlueChocolateCognac BrownCharcoal GreyNavyPinkRedTaupeYellow+6Available in 10 colorsSale Sale Dixie Phone Crossbody Bag$69.00$24.15 /BlackBlushBrownCognac BrownCharcoal GreyMauveNavyOrangeWine+6Available in 9 colorsSale Meline Shoulder Bag$99.00$32.95 /Snake CharcoalSnake FuschiaSnake Dark GreenSnake TaupeSnake Yellow+2Available in 10 colorsSale Daisy Shoulder Bag and Set$159.00$55.65 /Croco CognacCroco RedCroco CharcoalCroco NavyCroco Yellow+2Available in 7 colorsSale Sale Ophelia Hobo Bag and Wallet Set$139.00$44.95 /Denim BluePinkWineGolden Poppy+1Available in 11 colorsSale Sale - Davina Tote Bag and Wallet Set $149.00 /BeigeBlackBlushCoffeeCognac BrownCharcoal GreyDenim BlueFuchsiaGreenGrayGolden PoppyMidnight BlueOliveNavyTaupeWineIndigo+14Available in 17 colors
Sale Xandria Backpack$115.00$39.95 /PewterBrownLight BlueNavyOliveSilverGreyYellow+5Available in 14 colors